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“Peter is one of the premier Enneagram teachers in the world. His mastery is informed by several decades of teaching this model, coupled with his consistent efforts to develop precision and refine the language when describing the layers and intersecting dynamics found within the Enneagram.”
Emile Haddad, business coach and Enneagram teacher
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Private Coaching Session with Peter O'Hanrahan
60 minute session (phone, Zoom, or in person).
Bonus Handbook
Instinctual Subtypes in Relationships Handbook

27 Paths in Life and Subtypes in Relationship by Peter O’Hanrahan 

This 88-page downloadable PDF handbook describes the 27 Instinctual Subtypes and focuses on the three subtype groups – self preservation, one-to-one and social – and their issues in relationships, with descriptions and practical suggestions for the six relationship combinations.

Contact us for PDF downloads in Spanish or French

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